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TimeToAct Capital
French Simplified Joint-Stock Company (SAS)
Share capital: EUR 10,000
Registered office: 8, rue de la Michodière – 75002 Paris
R.C.S. Paris: 851 799 924
TimeToAct Capital Europe
French Simplified Joint-Stock Company (SAS)
Share capital: EUR 460,000
Registered office: 8, rue de la Michodière – 75002 Paris
R.C.S. Paris: 910 385 319
AMF agreement dated 16/04/2024 N° GP-20240005
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In compliance with the provisions of the General Regulation of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, a voting rights policy has been established, outlining and defining the principles governing the exercise of the voting rights associated with securities held by the investment funds managed by TimeToAct Capital Europe.
TimeToAct Capital Europe exercises the voting rights attached to the securities held by the funds it manages.
Information on the voting rights policy is available at TimeToAct Capital’s head office.
The management team is responsible for collecting the information (e.g. date, organization, wording of the resolutions) for each General Meeting of the investments it monitors. The general meeting documents are sent to the investment director responsible for the company in question. The investment director reviews and analyses the proposed resolutions submitted to the meeting in line with the provisions of this Voting Rights Policy and in the best interests of the shareholders. Based on this analysis, the investment director decides how to vote (i.e. in favor, against or to abstain) and remains at all times prepared to report on his/her exercise of voting rights.
TimeToAct Capital Europe has implemented and maintains an operational procedure to quickly and efficiently process complaints made by its clients. Any complaint may be referred via email at or by postal mail to the attention of TimeToAct Capital Europe, 8, rue de la Michodière – 75002 Paris, France.
TimeToAct Capital Europe will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within a maximum of ten (10) business days from the date it was received, unless a response has been issued to the client in the intervening period.
Except in duly justified exceptional circumstances, a response will be issued to the client within two (2) months of receipt of the complaint.
In the event of an ongoing dispute, the client may contact a mediator, such as the AMF Ombudsman, at the following address: Autorité des marchés financiers, Médiateur de l’AMF, 17 place de la Bourse, 75082 Paris Cedex 02. The AMF mediation request form and the Mediation Charter are available online at Request for mediation | AMF.
TimeToAct Capital Europe takes all reasonable measures to prevent and, when necessary, address any situations involving conflicts of interest.
Specific organizational and control provisions have been implemented by TimeToAct Capital Europe to prevent, identify, manage and monitor such situations of conflicts of interest.
If the organizational or administrative measures adopted by TimeToAct Capital Europe are not sufficient to reliably mitigate the risk of damaging investors’ interests, TimeToAct Capital Europe will provide clear information to investors regarding the general nature or source of these conflicts of interest.
For further details, please contact TimeToAct Capital Europe.
TimeToAct Capital Europe compensates its employees with a combination of fixed remuneration (salary and benefits) and variable remuneration (including bonuses).
Investment professionals at TimeToAct Capital Europe are incentivized through a long-term compensation deferred in instruments tied to the performance of investment funds. This alignment ensures that improper management of key sustainability risks, which could reduce the value of TimeToAct Capital Europe’s investments, negatively impacts their long-term compensation.
The full remuneration policy for TimeToAct Capital Europe employees, as well as the total amount of remuneration paid during the fiscal year, broken down in accordance with regulatory requirements, is available upon request at the following postal address: TimeToAct Capital Europe, 8, rue de la Michodière – 75002 Paris.
TimeToAct Capital Europe acts in the best interests of its client when executing orders resulting from investment decisions related to its companies’ portfolio.
To ensure the highest quality of the services offered, all intermediaries engaged are subject to annual appraisals.
For further details, please contact TimeToAct Capital Europe.
The policy outlining TimeToAct Capital Europe’s approach on the integration of environmental, social, governance (“ESG”) and sustainability factors within the management of TimeToAct Capital Europe’s companies’ portfolio, are available upon request at TimeToAct Capital Europe’s head office.
This website is governed by French law. Any claim or dispute resulting or arising from the use of the website shall only be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent French courts.